Yirgacheffe Coffee
Yirgacheffe coffee
Yirgacheffe zone officially called Gedeo is a zone within the state of Southern Nations and Nationalities People’s Region. Coffee is sold under the name Yirgacheffe- which is a woreda (district) within the Gedeo Zone. The road to Yirgacheffe passes through Awassa, Yirga
Alem, and Dilla places well-known to green coffee buyers who seek high-quality coffee
Coffee cultivation and Processing
Yirgacheffe coffee is chiefly grown by small land holders who own around .25 to 2 hectares of land. Hence the name garden production system. The small holder grows his crop under the shade of false banana and other nitrogen crops. The co-operatives, washing, and drying stations are the assembly points where all the cherries are collected for processing.